On the Run: Turkey Trot Race Recap
This past Thursday was Thanksgiving here in the US. The Turkey Trot race is a growing trend, where people get together to run a race before heading off to their respective holiday feasts. Bonus points seem to be awarded for turkey costumes and/or pumpkin pie shaped hats. I've wanted to do one of these races for a while now, and since I didn't have to travel this Thanksgiving holiday, it was perfect timing. I convinced Andy to race with me, signed up, and prepped for the race.
Race morning was a little chilly, but warmer than years past for the Pittsburgh Turkey Trot, so I'm told. Andy and I stayed in the car for a good while before braving our way to the starting line, layered up and ready to run.
The training plan I've been following is an 8-week plan designed to work up the strength to run a full 5K. I was about half way into week 6 when race day came, but I woke up feeling strong and decided to give running the full 5K a shot. After all, I had past evidence that it was a distance I could handle, since I ran the Superhero 5K without stopping to walk.

I run hot, so I knew I'd be shedding a few layers. We got started and I felt strong and at ease as we ran the first mile, at which point I ripped off my sweatshirt and passed it off to Andy. As we rounded two miles, RunKeeper announced the average pace and I realized I was close to my race PR
More importantly, I felt strong and capable. I love running in colder weather, and Thursday's weather was spot on race weather. I was breathing a little heavy, but could still make the occasional side comment to Andy.
The last mile was a bit tougher, and I had to really push to keep myself from stopping to walk. But once I got past 2 miles, stopping didn't feel like an option anymore. I knew I could run the whole thing, and I knew I was going to.
We made our way back across the Roberto Clemente bridge and rounded the corner towards the finish line, and I was feeling a bit winded, but still had enough left in the tank to spring across the finish line.
I didn't quite PR, but I was within 40 seconds of my best 5K time. Considering I've only been back to running for a few weeks, I'm incredibly happy with the results of this race. It felt great to be back to a race in general, let alone running the full distance without needing a walk break.
Since I've already run the full distance a few weeks early, I've decided to switch over to a different training plan as I continue to build my base before starting half marathon training in earnest come 2020. Today I got out there with a 30 minute run followed by a little bit of speedwork, which felt a-okay.
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