Adventures in Self-Care: Online Running Club Communities & Racery

Happy Tuesday, friends! Today, I am writing about one of the things that regularly consumes chunks of my life, 10-days at a time: Racery events with my online running communities. I suspect I've mentioned the Potterhead Running Club (formerly Hogwarts Running Club) here before, but it's worth mentioning again. This community, living primarily on Facebook with a healthy dose of Charity Miles and IRL meetups, is one of the places I go to find a sense of belonging. It's also one of the ways I stay motivated to be active. Virtual races like the ones hosted by PHRC often get a bit of a head tilt when I first mention them. You sign up on line, run or walk the distance yourself, and receive a medal in the mail. It's a different sort of togetherness than the community of a real life event, but one that nevertheless can motivate you to earn your race bling. In PHRC, these medals also earn house points towards the annual House Cup competition (which my beloved Hufflepuf...