General Self-Care: Clothing (Fashion?) As Self Care

Okay, I have a confession to make. For years, I have bemoaned that I don't have the money to "adult" my wardrobe, which is still largely comprised of items from college and grad school. And while I certainly am not making the big bucks, the truth is... clothes just haven't ever really been my priority. I associate shopping for clothes with spirals down into body shame and self-hatred, so I pretty much prefer to avoid it whenever possible. My default wardrobe of choice is "jeans or leggings with a funny or fandom t-shirt." But, it turns out life has dealt me one of those office job things where I'm expected to dress "professionally." Hitting the "less than a month until my birthday" seems to have sparked a sort of clothing crisis situation, wherein I'm overwhelmed to realize I'm nearly 28 years old and have never learned where adult, professional Amanda likes to shop for clothes. Maybe it's a side-effect of working at...