Climbing Mt. Mitchell: A Hiking Year in Retrospect

Happy Monday, internet people! You may recall that last year I traveled with my boyfriend to hike the highest point in New York state, Mt. Marcy. Or, as my Medium post about the experience recalls, most of Mt. Marcy. That hike took a lot out of me, and not only because it was the longest distance and highest elevation I had faced to date. I met those miles at a point in my life where I'd really lost faith in my body and what it could do. While I hadn't quite yet developed my chronic pain disorder, a few things in my body had felt decidedly not right since mid-February of 2019. I had been experiencing such severe back pain and sporadic right-shoulder numbness that I'd been to the doctor numerous times, each visit bringing a new set of exercises and diagnoses. So, when I started up Mt. Marcy, it was in a body that still felt unbalanced, unsure of this body that felt so strange and so different from the runner's body I had cultivated the year before. I bring th...