The Great British Blog Off: Fresh Mango Loaf

Hello, internet people! It is Week 2 of my Great British Blog Off Project and so far, I've lost no steam and no enthusiasm. I baked the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S., a day when many people take the day off from cooking after the labors of preparing a feast. Andy, who went to the grocery this morning to rectify our egg miscalculations, said the grocery was essentially empty. Makes sense on this great day of leftovers. But me? I woke up raring and ready to go with this second bake. This week's recipe: Fresh Mango Loaf Cake The Prep Much like last week, I spent Monday-Thursday incredibly eager to take on this bake. Combined with the holiday bringing a shorter workweek, I decided I may as well move the bake a day up from the usual Saturday to Friday. I grabbed most of the necessary ingredients for the cake during our regular weekly shopping trip and realized only on Wednesday that we had used far too many eggs during the week. We're a very random household when it co...