The Great British Blog Off: Little Pink Rose Cakes

Happy Sunday, internet people! This week has been a blur of exhaustion, with Battle of the Fandoms continuing, Andy being out of town, and Azula being her usual energetic self. I am beyond grateful that Andy is home from his business trip and that I was able to approach my bake on Saturday as a little me-time. On with it then, shall we? This Week's Recipe: Little Pink Rose Cakes Cookbook pictured is Great British Bake Off: At Home The Prep This week's ingredient in question: edible rose petals. I am not generally a fan of floral flavors, so when I saw we'd be using rose in this week's bake, I got a little nervous. Then I realized most of the flavor is chocolate and raspberry, and the roses are a garnish. Since we're approaching Valentine's Day, I resisted my urge to skip them altogether and began a search for where I might buy edible rose petals. My friend found some great local recommendations for me, but between having Azula duty and generally a bad...