Great British Blog Off: Jaffa Cakes

I woke up in a bad mood on Saturday. Well, really, I woke up still in a bad mood. Reader, I had a week this week. It's been snowing and icing basically every day here in PA, and while we certainly don't have it as bad as some places, it's been a challenging winter nevertheless. On Tuesday, my pain reached a fever pitch and I had to take a day off to sleep, drink water, and avoid screens as much as possible. Wednesday morning rolled around and my car tires had literally frozen to my parking space out back, which meant I had to salt the area and hang out at home for the start of my day. Then I got to work and realized I'd forgotten my laptop charger. It's just one of those weeks where nothing truly bad happens, yet a bunch of little irritations snowball (literally). And then Saturday morning I had to make good on the promise to myself that I had to go to the DMV to get my PA license. I've been putting this off due to an identity crisis wherein I do not want t...