Adventures in Self Care: Bath Bombs with Geek Girl Beyond Brunch

Hello, internet people! This week brings us our first edition of Adventures in Self-Care. As part of my mutual goals to exercise better self-care and put myself in more social situations to make new friends, I signed up to attend my first Geek Girl Brunch event: a wellness workshop at a little shop called Well Oiled. Geek Girl Brunch is an organization with a number of local chapters. I'll let them speak for themselves, since I've only attended the one event so far. According to the national website, Geek Girl Brunch " is a meetup group of ladies who geek out together, typically when mimosas are involved." Their mission statement is "t o create a safe environment where identifying geek girls can be themselves to give voice, network, create friendships, inspire each other and hang out!" I've been a member of the Pittsburgh chapter's Facebook group for a while, but this is the first time that my interest in the monthly topic and my schedule li...