General Check In: 2020 Reflection & 2021 Intentions

It wouldn't be a self-care blog if I didn't talk about my plans/intentions/resolutions for the new year, would it? Moreso than usual, it seems people are debating the purpose and efficacy of the ever-popular New Year's Resolution. As 2020 brought many of our plans to a grinding halt, it feels a bit strange, perhaps even like tempting fate, to make any big plans for 2021. And yet... I, for one, cannot resist the feeling of turning over a new leaf, however manufactured something like the shift in calendar year may be. I love a reset, a fresh month or year in the planner, the chance to imagine new possibilities. And while it doesn't need to be a new year to make some meaningful changes, I continue to feel drawn to the invitation to reflect. This year, I'm calling them intentions, not resolutions. It's semantics, mainly, but I think bringing an intention into a new year sounds a bit less like something doomed to fail, in a world where resolutions bring to mind sw...